


This post will cover topics below:

  • One or two-way if statements.
  • Nested if statements.
  • Ternary operator.
  • Switch statements.
  • Exercise.


Selection statements
Let us choose actions with two or more alternative conditions. Conditions are boolean expressions which compare two values. The result of comparison is a boolean value: true or false.

There are several types of selection statements:

  • One-way  OR two-way if statements
  • Nested if statements
  • switch statements
Switch statements have several types and more flexible in apex. Switch expression can accept literal value, method, and sObjects. sObject is a Salesforce object that will discuss in another post.

One or two-way if statements


if(boolean-expression) {



else if(boolean-expression) {



else {



//define variables
Double radius = 5, area, pi = 3.1415;

if(radius > 0) { //if radius above 0
    area = radius * radius * pi; //perform calc
    System.debug('Area of cicrle is ' +area); //result - 78.5375
else { 
    System.debug('radius is negative') 

Nested If Statement

An if statement within if statements.


if(boolean-expression) {

if(boolean-expression) {




else {




Boolean isTrue = True; //declare Boolean variable with value of True 
System.debug('value of Boolean is ' +isTrue); //print - True

Ternary Conditional Operation

Shortcut of if else statements.


 boolean-expression ? expression_if_true : expression_if_false;

Switch Statement


switch on expression {
    when value1 {
    when value2, value3 {
    when else {

Example – single and multiple values:

Integer num1 = 3; //declare variable
switch on num1 {
    when 0 { //if 0, print num1
         System.debug('num1 is ' +num1); 
    when 1 { //if 1, print num1
        System.debug('num1 is ' +num1);
    when 2, 3 { //if 2 or 3, print num1
        System.debug('num1 is ' +num1);
    when else { 
        System.debug('num1 is ' +num1);

Example – sObject

switch on sobject {
    when Account a {
        System.debug('account ' +a);
    when Contact c {
        System.debug('Contact ' +c);
    when null {
    when else {


  • Compute BMI

Enter your weight in kg and height in cm. calculate BMI with formula:

bmi = weightKg / (heightInMeters * heightInMeters)


  • below 16 – serious underweight
  • 16 – 18 – underweight
  • 18 – 24 – normal weight
  • 24 – 29 – overweight
nested if

Suppose x = 3 and y = 2. 

  • What is the output if x = 3 and y = 4
  • What is the output if x = 2 and y = 2
nested if
Use your own gender and age. If you are a man or woman and your age above 35, print on the screen “Do more cardio and eat healthy food to maintain your health”. If you are a man or woman and your age below 35, print on the screen “Do cardio and eat delicious food to maintain your health”.

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