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Intro and Setup Gulp Task Runner

This post will cover the following topics:

  • What is Gulp
  • Install Node.js and npm
  • Create a package.json file
  • Install and configure Gulp version 4.x

What is Gulp?

Gulp is a Javascript task runner to automate repetitive works. There are other popular task runners such as Grunt. However, I prefer Gulp as my favourite tasks runner because it has a simpler syntax. Hence, it is easier to learn and implement.

Before configure and create gulp, gulp requires to use Node.js and npm packages. Therefore, we will start by download and install Node.js and npm.


Download and Install Node.js and npm

  1. Download the latest node through this Link.
  2. Install the installer. By installing Node, it also install npm.
  3. Verify that node has installed properly. Open up a command prompt and type command below:
node -v

If Node.js is successfully installed, it will display node version number like the image below:
Node Version

Let’s do the same with npm verification. Type:

npm -v

Like node, if npm has installed successfully, it should display npm version number.

npm version

The node and npm versions display in those screenshot above reflect current version available as writing this post.

Create a package.json file

Gulp uses package.json as a map to track required packages and their dependencies within projects. Type following command at command prompt:

npm init

It will ask questions about basic information:
npm init

Install Gulp 4.x

Gulp needs to be installed local and global.

  • local – packages exist in the project
  • global – packages that are installed in the computer

Install gulp locally, type command below:

npm install --save-dev gulp

After execute command above, it has output similar like the following:

Install gulp globally, type command below:

npm install -g gulp

To verify if gulp has installed globally, type the following command in command prompt

npm list -g --depth=0

After execute command above, it prints out result below:

gulp global

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